We want to REALLY look at the numbers…
How to get more from less…
Value Engineering is really a very simple concept:
Get the most possible value out of every product and service purchase decision.
In the process of building your home tens of thousands of decisions will be made involving hundreds of thousands of parts and labor. That represents a lot of variables.
This is also one of the places most contractors don’t want you to see. This is the place that they can hide things. The “squish factor” we call it. Knowing what are real costs and time and what are “off” is often a matter of tens and even hundreds of thousands of dollars in your project. Your money. Yep we think you’d want it well used too.
Value Engineering is an “insiders” skill set based on understanding what goes into every part of your project and where we can increase efficiencies and get maximal results.
This is where a lot of the magic occurs. You will probably not see us actually do it but you will absolutely feel and see the benefit!
Because of the large amount of effort we put into your project before a hole is ever dug or a beam is ever laid, we’ve worked hard to create the best possible project for the best possible value.
That’s value you can enjoy for a lifetime.